#2 intercontinental conference in Latvia, Valmiera, 17. June.
Second international conference in Latvia, Ventspils, 17. June. Thanks to all participants, who are investing private time as volunteers to bring Novuss sport forward.
- 9:00 Arrival
- 10:00 Introduction / organizational issues
- 10:15 Roadmap of the project
- 10:30 Review of the guidelines for tournaments / discussions
- 13:00 Lunch & coffee break
- 14:00 Review of the guidelines for referees, software guidelines and templates / discussions
- 17:00 Summarization of the results and To-Do-s
- 18:00 Finish

Roadmap of the project
Mr. Paegle presented roadmap of the project.
International web platform is prepared and is used for publishing of all results of this project and not only limited to the results. Platform is used also for publishing of status about international competitions as well.
The Novuss Game Rules developed and approved by the Board of the Latvian Novuss Federation has been translated to English, Russian, German, French and Russian languages.
Tournament recommendations
First draft of tournament recommendations has been prepared, which describe how to prepare middle size of big competitions, how to do budget planning, describes general organisational topics and also contains some checklists and templates which
can help organization committee. Target of the meeting today is to review these rules and to discuss critical, not clear or miss understandable definitions in these rules.
Referees’ guidelines
First draft of Referee’s guidelines has been prepared. Main content of this document
is, what kind of roles and tasks has referees committee, what kind of tournament systems are popular for Novuss competitions, what kind of software and how can be used?
Team reviewed prepared document and defined to-do-s, which should be completed
till next conference in Poland.
Software for referees
Has been covered by document above “Referees guidelines”.
Recommendations for trainings
First draft of document has been presented. Next to-do-s has been defined below.
World Cup - part of the project
Project Conference was combined with international NOVUSS tournament “Stage of the World Cup”. Tournaments was a great platform for promoting of this project outside the project team, expansion of network, implementation of new ideas and getting direct feedback from organizer and tournament participants.
We created NOVUSS game inventory with 20 NOVUSS Table sets in total which are used now during the project for promoting of this sport. This sets has been used also for competitions, without paying any fee for renting and having any investments. This is excelent support for hosting organisations.

Small insight into the Novuss World Cup Stage II

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